Well, where do we start? I am an off-duty Chemical Engineer who turned Creative Lifestyle blogger by day and SuperMom by night. I currently live in Surf City, North Carolina, but also have called St. Louis, Missouri, Decatur, Illinois, Apple Valley, Minnesota, and Joplin, MO my home. (Yes I was in Joplin when the tornado happened!) I went to a predominantly male University, worked in a predominantly male profession, married a male, have a male dog, and now have three male mouths to feed! My house is very loud!

Look how small they used to be! WAHHHH!
I have been married to my husband, Freddy, for 15 years and we have three sons together, yes THREE, Michael (17), Ryan (13), and DJ (9). I shared my pregnancy with DJ with you all and he is commonly known as Spangenbaby around this blog! Along with my furry mutt, Murphy, these boys are pretty much the apples of my eye! I swoon over them, even when they drive me mad daily.

The show “Modern Family” was based on my life. Okay not really, but should have been! I would be closest to Gloria, minus the flowing hair, sexy accent and huge boobs! My husband is 18 years older than me and has 2 daughters who are pretty close to my age! I’ll let you wrap your head around that for a bit…
I have tons of quirks, here are a few of them:
- I love the TV show FRIENDS, I would stalk Jeffrey Donovan from Burn Notice IRL if I lived closer to Miami. I danced all my childhood and quit in college. Wish I never stopped.
- I have to have a cup of coffee in the morning. I repeat I have to have a cup of coffee in the morning. 2 Splenda’s and a splash of skim, if you ever want to deliver! :)
- I could also eat Jimmy John’s every day…I wish I were lying, but I am most certainly not. #5 Vito- no onions-extra cherry peppers if you were curious. Luckily JJ’s delivers so you don’t have to…but where are we on the coffee delivery??
- I love color and fun and love being around happy, supportive people! I have a sometimes snarky sense of humor but totally mean everything I snark about…in humor!
- My closet is color-coordinated and in ROY-G-BIV order. So it should be no surprise the rainbow motif I have going on over here on my blog!
- I adore pedicures and snow cones. I can’t get enough of either!
I truly appreciate you being here. If you weren’t here reading my blog, I would just be talking to myself. Let’s be honest, that’s pretty much what happens daily at my house so I appreciate you on the other end! I hope you stick around and check out some of my projects!
If you need to reach me, you can contact me here.
You can also find me on Instagram and Facebook.
About the Blog…
When I left my job as an engineer to take on the job of “keeping 2 kids alive every day” I realized I wanted an outlet for my creativity, DIY projects, photographs and just to rant! I had spent so long using the analytical side of my brain that I now wanted to let the creative side have her time in the sun! So why hold her back and commit to just ONE niche of blogging?
My poor brain had to do calculus and figure out pressure drops and had to waste an entire year on mass transfer…why limit the creative side of my brain which was kept in the dark for so long???
I am not a professional chef or baker but you will find recipes and fab desserts here. I am not a seamstress…but you will see me attempt to sew things here. I am not a professional photographer, but you will certainly find photos here. I am not an artist or even an interior designer but you will find home decor, crafts, and fun here! This blog pretty much represents my life. I do many things pretty well but wouldn’t say I am a professional at any of them!
I want to offer projects, recipes, and ideas that anyone can do. Posts that help people out. Printables or tips and tricks that solve a problem for you or give you a quick and easy-to-achieve solution! That’s what this space is all about.
I love to do activities with my kids also so you will see a bunch of those and you will also see a bunch of little heads, hands, and feet in my photos…they are my best assistants and the cutest co-workers I have ever had! :)
I can’t stress enough though that my first and most important job is being a mom and *hopefully* raising 3 respectable members of society. I have no schedule, rhyme, or reason to my posts. I post them as they happen in my life. Sometimes 5 days a week…sometimes only once! I try to go with the flow that is life!
A few Blog warnings:
1. I make up words…often. I also overuse the exclamation point! Everything is exciting to me apparently. <–I had to go back and change that ! to a . at the end of that sentence
2. I might make references to Vodka and Wine quite often. I am not an alcoholic. I am Catholic, German, and Irish…it’s just in my genes! (see exclamation point again)
3. My name is Cheryl. My husband’s name is not Freddy, nor are Michael, Ryan, or DJ my sons’ names. Murphy is my dog’s real name as he looking to find some lady friends and prefers I use his actual name. I do this because this blog is my choice and I want to respect their privacy as much as I can (for future googling purposes) while also sharing them with you because that is what this blog is about. Getting through life. They are my life.
4. I do not go by “Che”. I will answer to it because as a mom of three, I pretty much answer to anything these days, lol! I simply used it as a fun spin on the word She because my name is Cheryl.
5. I am an engineer. I am not an English major. I do know the difference between “your” and “you’re” as well as “its” and “it’s”, but I use prepositions at the end of sentences and begin ones with them also! You will just have to get used to that! ;-)
If you’ve made it this far, Cheers! The best way to keep in touch and know what’s happening around here is to join my email community! I only email when I have something I think you will love!
Don’t Miss Out!
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Missy says
More comments from me, I can’t resist….as long as you use your and you’re, this English major won’t care what else you do or don’t do! I can absolutely sympathize with needing an outlet – husbands apparently don’t speak, and conversations with 2 year olds leave a LOT to be desired, so expect many, many more comments from this cousin!
Christy Goforth says
Love your blog!!
Cheryl Spangenberg says
Thanks so much, Christy!!
Casey says
Love your blog!!! :D
rose and heather says
Such a cute blog. I can tell I’m going to like you. I am Germa and Irish too, raised in the imddle east and had a Engilsh teacher as a mom. Yet I cant spell to save my life.
Can’t wate to read more of your blog.
Cheryl says
Thanks so much Rose!
stacyrisenmay says
One and six made me laugh out loud! That is soooo me :) I also adore Ranch dressing and the show Friends. What a hoot you are! Thanks so much for linking up. I loved getting to know you better. (I also love The Office and you title always makes me thing of that)
Selena says
Hello!!! I just found your blog and I heart it..I dig how real you are! I love the exclamation point also, obviously. I look forward to following ya. ;o)
Lindsay M says
Che, this site is amazing! I am so glad I stumbled upon from FB.
Cheryl says
I am so glad also!! Kiss that baby girl for me!
Dana @ CraftedNiche says
Hey lady! So glad to finally meet this weekend. We’ll have to make plans to hang out soon!
karina says
Hey! I love the Mickey party!! I have a cameo and I was wondering how I can create/get the mickey mouse head shape? please let me know!! I really appreciate it!
Britni says
I’ve officially blog stalked you and I love it! So glad I found you.. or you found me and then I found you. Either way, I’ll be following along! Oh and I also love me some Michael Weston… and I don’t mind Jesse either :)
Jill @ Create.Craft.Love. says
Found you through Debbie Does Creations! I have loved looking around your blog! I think we can be friends because I too can recite EVERY episode of FRIENDS (have all ten seasons on DVD and watched them during labor) and I think ranch dressing could be its own food group! LOL Happy to be following on FB and Twitter!
Mary says
So alright, I found you through the Sugar and Dots linky page and knew I’d like you the moment I saw your thumbnail photo but as soon as I saw the word FRIENDS and knew that you were talking about the show, I was sure you’re super cool. Haha Yay for Friends geeks. New follower. :)
PS. Now I go off and stalk this girl above me. I think we should start a bloggy friends addicted to FRIENDS group. Haha
Cheryl says
Oh Mary, I am so happy you are here and I am also SO HAPPY to have met another FRIENDS geek! Yes, let’s start a group!!! Strength in numbers!!! I’m going to stop over to your blog right away!!!
The Famous Ashley Grant says
I found you via Pinterest and as soon as I saw that you would stalk Jeffrey Donovan I am now an instant fan of your blog! I stalk him via twitter! LOL!!! He is soooo hot and I have watched all 6 seasons a couple of times now. I would love to have Fiona’s rockin bod!!!
Happy Blogging!!
Cheryl says
Yay Ashley! I am so happy to meet someone who understand me! :) Can’t wait to stalk…I mean watch…together :)
The Famous Ashley Grant says
I also see you used to dance! I danced until a car accident at 16. I too am happy to meet someone who understands ME (albeit digitally HAHAHA)
Sharon Adams says
Hello I am new to this Cricut cutting system and I am having difficulty uploading a font I found on your site.
I have tried to upload previous fonts from other sites and still have the same problem. The program says it
will not allow these files. I chose the SVG, It must be the way in which I extract the file when loaded.
Cheryl Spangenberg says
Hi Sharon! For fonts, you don’t actually upload them to Cricut Design Space. You can find a tutorial and video on how to download fonts to your computer and then use them with Cricut Design Space here: https://www.thatswhatchesaid.net/how-to-install-fonts-on-your-computer/
deb says
On the monogram section, top row, 2nd one…it is a fancy cursive type script I believe. I can’t find it in the download section. Can you tell me the name of it and how I can download it?
Cheryl Spangenberg says
If you are referring to the first image in the post, that is what I use for my examples. Monogram KK! It is linked in the post.
Arleen Rice says
I am a retired teacher. . .live in a fabulous wine country in the valley in Walla Walla, WA. I am a golfer, interior designer, love to sew and of course enjoy Chardonnay wine. My husband and I have done a ton of traveling around the world and have been to twenty seven countries. Right now, my heart goes out to all you young families that are dealing with this “Twilight Zone” type nightmare, but most of all. . .the most important things to do are to have your children know that you love and will protect them, will read, read, read. . .with your children, make sure they know their basic math facts, write in their journals and study anything they are excited about learning. They will continue to succeed academically , knowing that they are loved and protected by their family and friends.
Cheryl Spangenberg says
Hi Arleen! Thanks for sharing! It is such a crazy time! Of all the countries you traveled, which was your favorite?
Barbara says
Mmmm. Been there, done that. I also raised three sons, all of whom are wonderful, responsible men who later in life made me a grandmother four times. They each totaled the family car in the first year they had their drivers licenses. None were seriously injured, and I thank the car-gods at Volvo for making cars that are like tanks. Not only were there the basic four males in the house, I also had a father and a brother living there, so I joined no less than 6 sewing/needlework guilds, bought a new Bernina, and, closeted myself in my sewing room as often as possible. Those were the pre-Internet years. Now nearing 80, I can tell others to hang in there, it won’t last forever, and then you get to spend your remaining years taking care of an elderly man with dementia. I have macular degeneration, can no longer drive, but have city-provided handicap bus privileges and my Cricut Maker cuts out fabric for me, because I’m still hiding out in my sewing room. I love the Maker, my Instant Pot, my Breville Smart Oven Air, and my microwave because I can’t see the stove burners well and burned my hands terribly. I have a 4 wheel recreational scooter that does 40 MPH that people think is a handicap scooter (shhh, please!) and my pilot’s license, and nobody, but nobody is allowed to call me Boomer, ‘cause, Kiddies, I have done it ALL. Bring it on, Cheryl. I’m fly with whatever you’ve got.