Do you want to make a super quick sweet treat for your family for the upcoming Valentine’s day? Well these Heart Milk and Cookies are perfect and they are minimal work with maximum cuteness! A simple treat to whip up to show you love your crew!
Guess what? I made these heart cookies from a box!! My time is precious and the store bought rolls of dough and the fab boxes of mix are just super time savers for me. Not to mention, I am pregnant…I just don’t have the motivation that I normally do. The thought of getting out all my baking products and mixer and such just makes me want to hibernate to the couch under a giant cover! Especially since I will have to cook dinner later in the day!
These cookies are so easy, I prepared the dough according to the box directions and then I simply pressed the dough into this adorable silicone heart pan I picked up at Wal-mart for only $4. I baked about 2-3 minutes longer than the package stated.
Then while those were cooling I whipped up some Heart Ice Cubes using milk instead of water! So easy, I made some pink and red ones using Wilton Food Colors that I had in my cake decorating stuff. So easy. Mix it with the milk and fill the same silicone tray back up (after washing of course!) Freeze until set.
When the kids were home from school they loved to see heart ice cubes floating in their milk and I cut a slit in the heart with a knife and hung some cookies along the rim of the glass!
Cute things don’t have to be an all day-made from scratch endeavor! Sometimes a semi-homemade-with-lots of love idea works as well if not better! If you are feeling some Valentine’s day LOVE…head over to my Valentine’s day page! All my Valentine projects in once place!
You can also follow me on Pinterest! I have a whole board dedicated to Valentine’s day and I love to make new pinning friends! If you follow me, make sure to leave your profile in the comments and I will follow back!
Follow Cheryl {}’s board Valentine’s Day on Pinterest.

Comments & Reviews
Stephanie {Spaceships and Laser Beams} says
I love this post! Can’t wait to try it out! Thank you for sharing :)
Cheryl Spangenberg says
Thanks Stephanie!
Audra says
Love it! Very fun recipe :)