Good Morning! With the fresh start of the new year my sweet friends and I are bringing you 10 Organizing Projects. There are some excellent ideas on cleaning, organizing, and planning to get you going this new year! To make it even sweeter we have teamed up with Erin Condren to give away one of her AWESOME Life Planners!
I have owned one for a few years and I can’t live without it! So let’s get organizing shall we?? A few years ago when I was fresh to blogging I posted this post that inspired this printable. I am sharing it again today because well…I thought it was perfect for this theme this month and also because there are many fresh new faces here (Welcome, welcome!)
I urge you to hop over to these amazing ladies blogs and check out their posts today! You will want to save all the printables and pin these awesome tips!!
2. 52 Mantels
3. 4 Marrs One Venus
6. Dimple Prints
As always printables are for personal use only. You can download your own To-Do checklist here (without watermark)
And to top it all off, we’re teaming up with the FABULOUS people over at Erin Condren to giveaway a Life Planner and Gift Box Briefcase! Like I said above I have owned a Life Planner for years now and absolutely love them! The designs are customizable and you’ll love the different things each planner has to offer! The folks at Erin Condren have thought of EVERY possible way to get you organized and ready for your busy schedule! Enter to win a Life Planner by entering the Rafflecopter giveaway below!

Comments & Reviews
Katie says
I love how simple and straightforward this planner is! Thanks for sharing!
Nicole says
I would love the GOld Edition Turquoise!!
Lauren @ The Thinking Closet says
I’ve been hankering for an Erin Condren planner for some time now. Eventually, I’m just going to break down and buy one. But first, I’ll try to win one! I really like the viva espana watercolor one. Thanks for the chance, Cheryl! Happy new year!
Kathy Penney @ Sparkles And A Stove says
I love my Erin Condren planner! I organize my business and my life in one pretty planner!
Amy Anderson says
Definitely the gold edition in turquoise!
Britni says
I love the peacock one!
Jen says
I loved my 2013 Erin Condren planner…
Kelsey m says
I’d pick the gold and white planner!
Eri Mera says
Organized freak over here!! 2014 life planner -e sea -sand dollar that’s my favorite of all, I wish I could win it. I live in Greece and it’ almost impossible to bring one here!!
Ashley says
I would love a photo florals planner!
Rhi says
Wow! I love these posts on getting organised – I remember seeing this printable on your site a while ago, and it’s brilliant. Just downloaded it again for going back to work tomorrow – thank you.
Heater M. says
So many to pick from, but i l.o.v.e the Signature Stripes!!
jo marks says
gorgeous planners! I love the inspire one :-)
liz says
happy stripes!
Ashley C says
I’d pick the collage planner!
nicolette @ the classroom creative says
I missed the boat on the giveaway… :(
But on a happy note, I pinned your free printable to our organization board for teachers. :)
Hope you are feeling well,